Tuesday, August 25, 2020
5 Easy Ways You Can Avoid Job Burnout
5 Easy Ways You Can Avoid Job Burnout What are a few signs work burnout is sneaking up behind you? They probably won't be what you’d expect†¦ and they may not occur at work. In the event that you’re resting more than expected on ends of the week, feeling extra diverted or absent minded with regards to ordinary errands, speaking harshly to loved ones, or fantasizing about discarding your life for a peaceful sea shore some place, you may be approaching your limit at work. All things considered, you presumably go through the greater part of your week in the working environment; it bodes well that any weight you feel would begin seeping into different pieces of your life also. Once you’ve understood that you’re in the peril zone, there are little moves you can make before you explode.1. Put your schedule on a diet.Are you booked strong for the following five work days, breakfast to supper? Are those gatherings or arrangements really fundamental this week? Take a gander at your work schedule f or the following month. Attempt to discover commitments you can move out up to 14 days, or even skip out and out. At whatever point conceivable, slip in certain squares of time for yourself, regardless of whether it’s only an hour or two to clear your head and work on explicit tasks without interference. When somebody sends you another gathering welcome, ask yourself, â€Å"Is this extremely essential? Could a speedy call or email settle this instead?†2. Rebuild your to-do list.Time to seriously investigate what you do each day. What number of those errands are completely vital? What number of are legitimately identified with your work objectives? What might occur on the off chance that you changed some week after week errands to like clockwork? Attempt to make some adaptability for yourself with the goal that you possess energy for significant tasks.It’s alright to disapprove of new demands and gatherings on the off chance that they would drive you to the brink . Haggle with your partners as essential: â€Å"I don’t have the data transfer capacity to deal with this on Monday, however we should return to this on Thursday afternoon?†3. Speak up.Be legit with your administrator if you’re feeling crunched. Perhaps the individual in question can assist you with thinking of a course of action for facilitating your quick outstanding burden or assist you with organizing assignments. It’s not an indication of shortcoming to request help-it’s a sign that you’re holding onto control of your work life and revamping before things begin to slip excessively. It’s such a great amount of better to stop and sincerely reconsider right off the bat, before cutoff times have been missed or you’ve put in substantially less exertion than you ought to have.]4. Treat Yourself.Maybe don’t run out and purchase that gold Rolex (except if your spending plan takes into consideration that, wherein case let it all out), however discover little approaches to compensate yourself and occupy your cerebrum from what’s been going on busy working. Have you been significance to see that new film before it leaves theaters? Take a night off and go†¦ and don’t overlook the popcorn. Feel three weeks of pressure and poor rest developing in your shoulders? Get a back rub or take that yoga class you’ve been skipping in light of the fact that you’re so busy.via [giphy.com]It doesn’t must be a physical or exorbitant treat-it tends to be as straightforward as booking time with family or companions to decompress. Giggling may not beat anti-microbials with regards to medication, however it can do some incredible things for a fatigued condition of mind.5. Escape town.It can be so natural to get trapped in the pattern of not taking excursion or individual days since things are excessively occupied at work. In that outlook you may feel like you should be there to complet e everything, and afterward you can’t leave until the planning is right.Sad mystery: the planning will most likely never be great. In many employments, there’s never going to be an enchantment quiet where everything will stop for a couple of days. So take a chance to take out, and focus on it. Make sense of what you can reschedule while you’re out, and work with your associates to get inclusion for the things you can’t move. At that point escape to that sea shore/lodge/terrace relax seat and as opposed to fleeing for all time, return revived and prepared to begin over.I guarantee you that your working environment will make due without you during your concise nonappearance, and your collaborators be energized to have a reestablished, energetic partner back on Monday morning.Some TLC is significant to keeping your work self rational and locked in. In the event that you let pressure outdo you, you risk harming your expert life and even your own life. It†™s just not worth the hazard, when you can take little (yet compelling!) strides to stop overpower before it occurs.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Revolutionary Opinion Essays - Taxation In The United States
Progressive Opinion They all state, ?Taxation without portrayal is oppression.? Those progressive numb-skulls! Without a doubt they joke! I am very much aware that a considerable lot of my kindred townspeople have faith in this idea. It is somewhat reasonable, all things considered. Who truly prefers to cover charges? Not I! In any case, each one of those that buy in to this line of reasoning are living in a fantasy world. In all actuality, it is the reverse way around. ?Portrayal without tax assessment is oppression.? Upheaval is vain and will just bring about more assessments for the complainers to fuss and groan about. In all honesty, I?ve had enough. A couple of days prior, I saw a few dissenters strolling not far off reciting and walking with signs that read Taxation Without Representation Is Tyranny.? I appear to recollect that different Americans likewise once communicated comparable perspectives. The vast majority would now view that point as a reasonable one. I am no incredible fanatic of majority rules system, as I lean toward freedom, yet even I can concur that individuals who are burdened yet not permitted to cast a ballot are probably going to be more than averagely persecuted by the individuals who can cast a ballot. This at that point provoked me to think about the opposite recommendation: Representation Without Taxation Is Tyranny. It would, obviously, be a paradox to feel this is involved by the main recommendation, yet clearly it is similarly as sensible. In the event that we should have state administrations, it ought to at any rate be for the individuals who pay for them to decide in favor of which administrations they need and the amount they wish to pay. To permit those giving, or living off, the administrations to cast a ballot resembles permitting a businessperson to decide on what you should purchase from him, or a hobo to decide on what you should give him. Normally, I hear them state, ?however doesn't everybody cover charge, in any event on products and enterprises Furthermore, is it not inconsequentially obvious, to the extent that ethics can be ?genuine No, they don't and it isn't. By no stretch of the imagination. Ruler Grenville, everyone?s most loved exchequer, has as of late been marching around town saying how he understands that the ongoing acts of tax collection have been unreasonable and how he identifies with the sentiments of the townspeople. He even ventured to such an extreme as to state, or will I say lie, about the amount he unequivocally hates his activity since he, similar to every other person, needs to cover charges. I laugh at this, as it has been accidentally demonstrated that since he is paid by the state, he is definitely not a genuine citizen. Consider state dispersion of assessments. We can see this must make two social classes: the individuals who are net citizens, as the vast majority of the townspeople are and the individuals who are net expense beneficiaries, similar to Lord Grenville. Just the net citizens can be said to give the state charge reserves. The net duty beneficiaries are paid out of tax collection, in addition to any installments in recently made state cash that viably burdens the individuals who hold cash. This demonstrates individuals who are state-paid can't be real citizens. Confirmation of this is if their occupations were abrogated the state would have more cash to spend somewhere else, in contrast to those employments in the truly taxpaying division. To take a reasonable case, when an immediate state-representative, for example, a government worker (let?s simply state Lord Grenville for a model,) gets his compensation check there will be an obvious finding for the measure of duty that he pays. Indeed, this is a unimportant accounting exercise intended to keep up the falsification that he is a citizen alongside every other person. Surrendering this misrepresentation of taxpaying and essentially paying him less in any case would set aside citizens' cash in organization and make the political reality more clear to all, rather than being a hazy, ambiguous haze of smoke as it is currently. Presently, I am not contending (here at any rate) that the individuals who live off tax collection are social parasites. Despite what might be expected, I would appreciate particularly to be one of the ?fortunate? ones. For contention, I am set up to allow the (preposterous) presumption of such huge numbers of unrivaled state benefits that the state should utilize a large portion of the populace. Anyway, my point is that it ought to be clear who is paying
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
What to Do with Winter Break
What to Do with Winter Break It is finals week, and that may seem a bit stressful for students. However, winter break is just around the corner! Winter break is a time to catch up on sleep, spend time with family, and get ready for round two in the spring. The University of Illinois offers opportunities for a productive winter break regardless of where you end up. Productive things to do over break include going abroad, taking a winter course, doing a job shadow, or maybe even attending a conference. The University of Illinois provides numerous opportunities for students to go abroad and spend time learning in other countries. I have not been fortunate enough myself to go abroad, but it is on the college bucket list. Many of my friends have had an opportunity to go abroad and have shared that it is something I must do! Studying abroad is a great addition to your resume as well as an opportunity to gain cultural insight you might not be able to gain here. The University of Illinois also offers opportunities for students to take winter courses. Sometimes during the course of your college career, you fall behind and need credits, youre trying to get ahead, or youd simply just like to take a course for fun. Numerous courses are offered to students to help them to reach their academic goals. Being at home over winter break may put you closer to some top-notch work places. Some students spend their time over winter break learning about what careers they would like to have post-graduation. My academic adviser has shared with me many job shadowing opportunities available in my field. This could be an opportunity for me to grow my network and even gain some insight into the different industries. Last winter break, I was provided with an opportunity to attend a conference with the University of Illinois Leadership Center. The conference was the Leadershape Institute. It was a week long and was held at nearby Allerton Park. This experience helped me to grow academically, mentally, and professionally. I found it to be a productive opportunity for me to maximize my collegiate experience. Winter break should be spent relaxing, connecting with family, and enjoying time away from school. However, winter break can also be productive for your college career. In the past I was fortunate enough to have a productive winter break and hope to continue to do so. Immanuel Class of 2019 I am majoring in Agricultural and Consumer Economics within the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. I am from the northwest suburbs of Chicago. I chose the University of Illinois because of everything it can offer its students.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 11, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Democratic Change and the Change to Democracy Free Essays
Democratic change and the change to democracy: cycle chapter 2, I learned that change drives the world, leaders drive change and change requires partners. Together we can develop vital change and conflict management skills and processes, we can facilitate the resolution of disputes, and empower ordinary people to participate In decision making at the local and national level. A more stringent definition of democracy demands more than Just fair elections. We will write a custom essay sample on Democratic Change and the Change to Democracy: or any similar topic only for you Order Now It defines a liberal democracy or also known as a full democracy In a littoral system In which most of the governments officials are elected. The free speech and free press help ensure that democratic governments are accountable to their citizens In a way that authoritarian regimes are not. However, full liberal democracy requires free contested elections, respect for call liberties, and support for pluralism in society. Some scholars argue that any definition of democracy is incomplete ( Handel 2009 pig 30 Developing countries have played a notable role in our history. The third wave darted in the late ass’s and started winding down by the twenty first century. Third wave transitions were most dramatic in the former Soviet union and eastern European allies. This brought the cold war to an end. Many East Asian dictatorship mostly South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore enjoyed spectacular economic success from the uses through the late sass’s. How to cite Democratic Change and the Change to Democracy:, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
International Energy Policies United States Crude Oil Production
Question: Critically analyse the factors affecting the content of international agreements for the oil and gas industry Critically examine the framework of the energy policies. Demonstrate the key global challenges and issues facing the world oil and gas industry and the factors affecting the long term prospects Exceptionally wide range of relevant literature evaluated and used critically to inform argument, balance discussion and/or inform problem-solving. Consistently accurate and assured use of academic conventions Answer: The burgeoning issue of the current times is the volatility in the oil and gas market. There are several issues identified that contribute to the fluctuations in the oil prices. In this context we can say that the crude oil prices have been quite high during the year 2013-14 and this rise was stabilized. The international standard of the crude oil price is Brent which generally lies between $100-155 per barrel. The stability of oil price is believed to be short lived but the Brent price of oil is regarded to be normal. The recent decline in the oil occurred in the month of June 2014 at the rate of 40%. (GLOBAL TRENDS IN OIL GAS MARKETS TO 2025, 2015) (THE MONTH IN BRIEF: Lower prices, more oil and some refineries find buyers, 2012) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an intergovernmental organization. The objectives of the OPEC is to co-ordinate and unify the petroleum policies among its member countries in order to ensure that fair and stable price is available for the petroleum producers, to maintain regular and efficient supply of of petroleum to other importing nations and to earn a fair return on capital for the investors. (Opec.org, 2015) The decline in the oil prices is attributed to the inefficiency of the OPEC regarding the price regulation. The low oil price crisis is due to the refusal of Saudi Arabia to curtail their oil production. This resulted in a saturation of the global oil markets. The ideal initiative that the OPEC could have taken is to increase their oil production so that a situation of excess demand would come up which eventually would raise the price. Once the oil prices stabilize then the member countries of the OPEC can gradually increase their production and lower the price in accordance with suitable environment. The reason behind Saudi Arabias refusal to cut down production is due to the nervous politics and fear of losing the global position and share in the oil market. (Greiner, 2014) The chart below reveals that the Brent Crude Oil price has declined at the end of the year. (Ieconomics.com, 2015) The connection among the oil, energy and the international politics is somewhat intertwined. The main victim of the of the oil and gas market are the two weak performing nations: Iran and Russia. The pivot in the sluggishness of the oil price is the United States of America (USA). The main motive of the USA is to tarnish the images of both the nations and also influence the oil price. Taking up the case of Russia which is a fragile nation is affected by the adverse effect of the oil price decline. This decline resulted in a decrease in the foreign capital flow into the nation. Russia is now reforming its foreign policies and taking initiatives to improve its global status. (The Economist, 2014) Iran has iteratively accused Saudi Arabia for the downturn in the oil market as it refused to cut down oil production that could have helped to recover the oil market. Iran is also a frail nation which relied on the sale of oil. As the oil price decreased, the revenues earned from the oil also decreased which further dampened the already feeble position of Iran. The objective of the USA is to coerce Saudi Arabia and distort the economic condition of both the nations. In case of Iran, the intention of the USA is to leave the country with no other choices but to sign the long pending nuclear power deal. The deal would cause a loss in the nuclear capability of Iran. (Kent, 2015) The chart shows that the crude oil production in Saudi Arabia has increased in the end of the year 2014 which attempts to identify the main problem of the decline in oil price. (Tradingeconomics.com, 2015) The slumped and saturated oil market and its price may have weakened most of the nations. Even the member countries of OPEC like Libya and Venezuela could not escape the dire consequences of the low oil price which hampered their economic condition. (FOCUS: Libya starts to rebuild its oil and gas industries, 2011) When most of the nations were busy trying to recover from the bearish oil market, there were other nations would extracted the benefit from the low oil prices. It is worth mentioning that countries like India and China gained an advantageous position with respect to the low oil prices. Now China is one of the industrialized nations which initiated plans to be self sufficient and self reliant in energy by building its own shale gas. The rise of China would be destructive and damaging for the most powerful nation, the USA. In this context, the USA could not let China gain power and position, so USA with its influential power subdued the international companies who could have helped China in supporting the shale gas project. These international companies were running at a loss and withdrew investment projects like the one in China. Thus, Chinas shale gas project took a backseat. The chart below shows that the production of crude in the USA has been increasing throughout the year 2014. (Tradingeconomics.com, 2015) Below are the crude oil productions for two countries: China and India. Both the countries depict an upward trend in the production though the volume of production is low for India. (Tradingeconomics.com, 2015) (Tradingeconomics.com, 2015) Non OPEC countries such as North America, former Soviet Union and the North sea region comprises around 60% of the total oil production of the world. The operation of the oil production in the Non OPEC Countries is carried out by the International or investor owned Oil Companies (IOCs). It is assumed that the Non OPEC countries are price takers which imply their influence on the price is absent. Focusing on the thriving issue of low oil price, the Non OPEC countries have slight role to play in rectifying the oil market. The Non OPEC countries can produce oil at full capacity, considering ceteris paribus, the decline in the oil supply by the Non OPEC countries would exert an upward pressure on the price of oil. Thus, the total global supply of oil would decrease creating a situation of excess demand which would drive up the international oil prices. Thus the Non OPEC countries would be able to mitigate the low oil price issue in this way. Through this mechanism the call on OPEC would increase which would enable the OPEC and its member countries to influence the price of oil. Another measure that the Non OPEC countries can take is to disrupt the production of oil which would again reduce the global oil supply and increase the global oil price. (Eia.gov, 2015) The concern for energy policies have evolved in many member countries. The USA can capture the benefits of the low oil price and reform its energy policies by planting restriction on the fossil fuel subsidies, introduce new efficiency measures and implement policies that are advantageous to the economy as well as lure investors who would support the increase in oil production. (Theenergycollective.com, 2015) Czech Republic commenced State Energy Strategy with the intention to decrease lignite production. Germanys motive to spread awareness of the energy policies came out through its annual progress reports. Canada aimed to achieve the government goals by regulatory reform through the Responsible Resource Development Plan. Sweden is the carbon free economy and intent to introduce vehicles which are fossil fuel free by the year 2030. The USA had also taken measures to reduce the Green house Gas emission by cutting down carbon pollution, take groundwork regarding climate changes and launching international initiative to cope up with the climate change. In this regard the USA had implemented the Climate Action Plan. (Energy Policy Highlights, 2015) The energy policies need to be carefully implemented taking into consideration the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and spatial planning. If the implementation is not carried out properly then challenges may arise during the start of the project. The several challenges can be mitigated by appointing an energy expertise who would efficiently frame and implement energy policies. The next problem that the energy sector faces is the interference from the national level during the framing of the policies. This might not be entertained by most of the regional and local government which can create a friction among the system eventually hampering the efficacy of the policies (Oilandgasuk.co.uk, 2015) Another popular issue that affects the energy sector is improper, inaccurate and incomplete data related to the global oil price, consumption level in the household, transportation and other trading sectors which poses a problem in the policy implementation. So executives and experts must be hired to monitor the policy making process, assemble accurate information and build coordination between EIA and spatial planning. (Eia.gov, 2015) There are basically two agreements that are used in the oil and natural gas sector: Concessions and Contractual agreements. Concessional agreements deals in equity interest and royalties which are estimated from the production value and income taxes. Contractual agreements deals in contracts related to production share, service and risk etc. The agreements are influenced by several factors but mainly depend on the nature of the agreement taken up by the resource holder. The aspect that need to be included while forming concessions agreement in the oil companies are exclusive rights of Exploration and Production, finance and taxation regulations, domestic supply of oil and gas, cash flow source and costs and benefits. (Wright and Gallun, 2008) The major issue of the world is the expanding demand for products and no sufficient supply to absorb such demand. As the population is increasing, the demand for oil is increasing. The increasing demand would be satisfied by the emerging powerhouses like China and India which would in turn affect the other oil exporting nations. This results in geopolitical strife which complicates the challenges. About 90% of the resources of oil and gas are controlled by the National Oil Companies (NOCs) and some host governments. These resources could not accessed by the International Oil Companies (IOCs). (Smead, 2015) The issue related to the cost of services in the oil industry is of concern. This industry implements services such as engineering, drilling, constructions and procurement which involve huge costs. The heavy scale industries like the oil and gas industry operates through heavy machineries and equipments which need to be executed by technically skilled professionals. The wages of these types of professionals are quite high adding up to the cost of the industry. In general, this cost is covered by the price rise but with the unpredictable stability in the oil price, it was the better option not to rely on oil price rather sale of oil should be increased in order to cover up the cost. But again the implantation of new and advanced technology would exert a negative impact on the economy. As new machines are incorporated in the oil industries, the unskilled workers or manual workers would be removed creating a situation of unemployment within the economy. (Oil Price Review, 2013) The fundamental mistake that the oil and the gas industry indulge in is the objective of their business. The objective of the oil industry is mainly focused on the cost reduction but it is too late for them to realize that such a strategy would not work when the underlying market conditions are narrow. In the current scenario it is necessary for the oil industry to concentrate on the supply chain, assess their accessibility to other markets and ensure that they are able to explore markets where their presence is absent or minimal. The industry must definitely implement cost effective ways of production of oil and also expand its Barrels of Oil Equivalencies (BOEs) and to ensure safety at the personal level the industry must incorporate change process management. Thus in this study we see that the issue of low oil prices is the result of the refusal of cutting down oil production by Saudi Arabia. But this low price does not depict that the future of the oil market is ominous as the No n OPEC countries can always disrupt its oil production to suppress the global oil supply. This would help to increase the oil price benefiting the vulnerable nations like Libya, Venezuela, Iran and Russia. For the recovery of the oil industry, it is necessary for the oil producers, OPEC as well as Non OPEC countries to adopt strategies and policies that would extract the advantage of the impending reality. (Solutions and , 2014) References Ieconomics.com, (2015).Brent Crude Oil | Crude Oil | Heating Oil - Crude Oil Production. [online] Available at: https://ieconomics.com/brent-crude-oil [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Opec.org, (2015).OPEC : Brief History. [online] Available at: https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/24.htm [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Tradingeconomics.com, (2015).China Crude Oil Production | 1973-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. [online] Available at: https://www.tradingeconomics.com/china/crude-oil-production [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Tradingeconomics.com, (2015).India Crude Oil Production | 1994-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. [online] Available at: https://www.tradingeconomics.com/india/crude-oil-production [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Tradingeconomics.com, (2015).Saudi Arabia Crude Oil Production | 1973-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar. [online] Available at: https://www.tradingeconomics.com/saudi-arabia/crude-oil-production [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Tradingeconomics.com, (2015).United States Crude Oil Production | 1950-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar. [online] Available at: https://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/crude-oil-production [Accessed 3 Apr. 2015]. Wright, C. and Gallun, R. (2008).Fundamentals of oil gas accounting. Tulsa, Okla.: PennWell. Energy Policy Highlights. (2015). 1st ed. p.https://www.iea.org/. FOCUS: Libya starts to rebuild its oil and gas industries. (2011).Oil and Energy Trends, 36(10), pp.3-6. GLOBAL TRENDS IN OIL GAS MARKETS TO 2025. (2015). 1st ed. Kent, S. (2015).Falling Oil Prices to Soften Non-OPEC Oil Supply Growth. [online] WSJ. Available at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/falling-oil-prices-to-reduce-supply-from-opec-members-1421322185 [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Oilandgasuk.co.uk, (2015).Economics, Energy Policy and Gas - Oil Gas UK. [online] Available at: https://www.oilandgasuk.co.uk/economics.cfm [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Peakoil.com, (2015).IEA Sees Oil-Price Recovery; Cuts 2015 Non-OPEC Output Estimate |Peak Oil News and Message Boards. [online] Available at: https://peakoil.com/consumption/iea-sees-oil-price-recovery-cuts-2015-non-opec-output-estimate [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Smead, R. (2015). Low Oil Prices-Impact on Natural Gas and Associated Industries.Natural Gas Electricity, 31(8), pp.29-32. Solutions, C. and , V. (2014).Facing the Future: Challenges Ahead for the Oil Gas Industry. [online] Clover Global Solutions,LP - Clover One Worldà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ . Available at: https://c1wsolutions.wordpress.com/2014/01/23/facing-the-future-challenges-ahead-for-the-oil-gas-industry-3/ [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. The Economist, (2014). Why the oil price is falling. [online] Available at: https://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2014/12/economist-explains-4 [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Theenergycollective.com, (2015).Oil Price Drop and Effect Causes | The Energy Collective. [online] Available at: https://theenergycollective.com/jemillerep/2146151/are-declining-oil-prices-increasing-risks-opec-us-energy-security-or-clean-fuels- [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Greiner, B. (2014).Oil Prices - Decline Turned Into Collapse?. [online] Forbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/billgreiner/2014/12/04/oil-prices-decline-turned-into-collapse/ [Accessed 20 Mar. 2015]. Oil Price Review. (2013).Oil and Energy Trends, 38(7), pp.10-12. The Economist, (2014). Why the oil price is falling. [online] Available at: https://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2014/12/economist-explains-4 [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015].
Saturday, March 21, 2020
How a Space Elevator Would Work
How a Space Elevator Would Work A space elevator is a proposed transportation system connecting the Earths surface to space. The elevator would allow vehicles to travel to orbit or space without the use of rockets. While elevator travel wouldnt be faster than rocket travel, it would be much less expensive and could be used continuously to transport cargo and possibly passengers. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky first described a space elevator in 1895. Tsiolkovksy proposed building a tower from the surface up to geostationary orbit, essentially making an incredibly tall building. The problem with his idea was that the structure would be crushed by all the weight above it. Modern concepts of space elevators are based on a different principle - tension. The elevator would be built using a cable attached at one end to the Earths surface and to a massive counterweight at the other end, above geostationary orbit (35,786 km). Gravity would pull downward on the cable, while centrifugal force from the orbiting counterweight would pull upward. The opposing forces would reduce the stress on the elevator, compared with building a tower to space. While a normal elevator uses moving cables to pull a platform up and down, the space elevator would rely on devices called crawlers, climbers, or lifters that travel along a stationary cable or ribbon. In other words, the elevator would move on the cable. Multiple climbers would need to be traveling in both directions to offset vibrations from the Coriolis force acting on their motion. Parts of a Space Elevator The setup for the elevator would be something like this: A massive station, captured asteroid, or group of climbers would be positioned higher than geostationary orbit. Because the tension on the cable would be at its maximum at the orbital position, the cable would be thickest there, tapering toward the Earths surface. Most likely, the cable would either be deployed from space or constructed in multiple sections, moving down to Earth. Climbers would move up and down the cable on rollers, held in place by friction. Power could be supplied by existing technology, such as wireless energy transfer, solar power, and/or stored nuclear energy. The connection point at the surface could be a mobile platform in the ocean, offering security for the elevator and flexibility for avoiding obstacles. Travel on a space elevator would not be fast! The travel time from one end to the other would be several days to a month. To put the distance in perspective, if the climber moved at 300 km/hr (190 mph), it would take five days to reach geosynchronous orbit. Because climbers have to work in concert with others on the cable to make it stable, its likely progress would be much slower. Challenges Yet to Be Overcome The biggest obstacle to space elevator construction is the lack of a material with high enough tensile strength and elasticity and low enough density to build the cable or ribbon. So far, the strongest materials for the cable would be diamond nanothreads (first synthesized in 2014) or carbon nanotubules. These materials have yet to be synthesized to sufficient length or tensile strength to density ratio. The covalent chemical bonds connecting carbon atoms in carbon or diamond nanotubes can only withstand so much stress before unzipping or tearing apart. Scientists calculate the strain the bonds can support, confirming that while it might be possible to one day construct a ribbon long enough to stretch from the Earth to geostationary orbit, it wouldnt be able to sustain additional stress from the environment, vibrations, and climbers. Vibrations and wobble are a serious consideration. The cable would be susceptible to pressure from the solar wind, harmonics (i.e., like a really long violin string), lightning strikes, and wobble from the Coriolis force. One solution would be to control the movement of crawlers to compensate for some of the effects. Another problem is that the space between geostationary orbit and the Earths surface is littered with space junk and debris. Solutions include cleaning up near-Earth space or making the orbital counterweight able to dodge obstacles. Other issues include corrosion, micrometeorite impacts, and the effects of the Van Allen radiation belts (a problem for both materials and organisms). The magnitude of the challenges coupled with the development of reusable rockets, like those developed by SpaceX, have diminished interest in space elevators, but that doesnt mean the elevator idea is dead. Space Elevators Arent Just for Earth A suitable material for an Earth-based space elevator has yet to be developed, but existing materials are strong enough to support a space elevator on the Moon, other moons, Mars, or asteroids. Mars has about a third the gravity of Earth, yet rotates at about the same rate, so a Martian space elevator would be much shorter than one built on Earth. An elevator on Mars would have to address the low orbit of the moon Phobos, which intersects the Martian equator regularly. The complication for a lunar elevator, on the other hand, is that the Moon doesnt rotate quickly enough to offer a stationary orbit point. However, the Lagrangian points could be used instead. Even though a lunar elevator would be 50,000 km long on the near side of the Moon and even longer on its far side, the lower gravity makes construction feasible. A Martian elevator could provide ongoing transport outside of the planets gravity well, while a lunar elevator could be used to send materials from the Moon to a locatio n readily reached by Earth. When Will a Space Elevator Be Built? Numerous companies have proposed plans for space elevators. Feasibility studies indicate an elevator wont be built until (a) a material is discovered that can support the tension for an Earth elevator or (b) theres a need for an elevator on the Moon or Mars. While its probable the conditions will be met in the 21st century, adding a space elevator ride to your bucket list might be premature. Recommended Reading Landis, Geoffrey A. Cafarelli, Craig (1999). Presented as paper IAF-95-V.4.07, 46th International Astronautics Federation Congress, Oslo Norway, October 2–6, 1995. The Tsiolkovski Tower Reexamined. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. 52: 175–180. Cohen, Stephen S.; Misra, Arun K. (2009). The effect of climber transit on the space elevator dynamics. Acta Astronautica. 64 (5–6): 538–553. Fitzgerald, M., Swan, P., Penny, R. Swan, C. Space Elevator Architectures and Roadmaps, Lulu.com Publishers 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2020
APU Admissions - SAT Scores, Financial Aid More
APU Admissions - SAT Scores, Financial Aid More The acceptance rate at Alaska Pacific University was 55% in 2016; admitted students tend to have high school GPAs in the A and B range. Standardized test scores are not required, so applicants need not worry if their ACT or SAT scores are not ideal. Be sure to check the universitys admissions website to learn about the specific admission requirements for different academic programs.. Admissions Data (2016): Percent of Applicants Admitted: 55 percentTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -What these ACT numbers mean Alaska Pacific University Description: Alaska Pacific University is the only four-year college in Alaska with selective admissions. Students can choose from eleven undergraduate majors and five graduate programs. The college takes pride in the close relationship between students and faculty, the hands-on approach to learning, and the high levels of student engagement. Academics are supported by a healthy 8 to 1 student / faculty ratio. If youre worried about attending such a small school with only a few hundred undergraduates, realize that the University of Alaska Anchorage and its 18,000 students is next door. Student life is active with a wide range of clubs and activities, and Alaskas rich landscape provides students with unlimited outdoor opportunities. The university recently dedicated the Thomas Training Center on Eagle Glacier, a place where the Nordic Ski Team trains during summer months. Alaska Pacific University is a member of the Eco League with four other small colleges that focus on sustainability: College of the Atlantic, Green Mountain College, Northland College, and Prescott College. Students can easily take a semester or two at one of these other schools. High school students from Anchorage should look into APUs Early Honors program which allows them to take all of their senior year classes at Alaska Pacific and graduate from high school with a years worth of transferable college credit. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 541 (298 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 37 percent male / 63 percent female73 percent full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $20,310Books: $1,220 (why so much?)Room and Board: $7,260Other Expenses: $4,900Total Cost: $33,690 Alaska Pacific University Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 100 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 97 percentLoans: 63 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $12,375Loans: $8,006 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors: Business Administration, Education, Marine Biology, Psychology Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 51 percentTransfer-out Rate: 27 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 39 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 48 percent DateSource: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Alaska Pacific University, You May Also Like These Schools: Students looking for a small (1,000 students) school on the West Coast/Pacific Northwest should also check out Warner Pacific University, Northwest University, and Alaska Bible College. Even without any varsity athletic programs, students at APU can get outside and enjoy hiking and skiing around the area. Other schools with great skiing clubs or teams include Colby College, Colorado College, Reed College, and Montana State University. APU and the Common Application Alaska Pacific University uses the Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples
Monday, February 17, 2020
Discuss the important contributions that the education systems make to Essay
Discuss the important contributions that the education systems make to the state - Essay Example This essay stresses that more and more people now stay on for further and higher education, but are we raising false expectations? Employers who in the fifties would have been satisfied with quite low paper qualifications, now have very high standards., and so we find young people with a first degree unable to get employment in the field they want or, in some cases, any employment at all. One third of all graduates are said to never obtain employment at a true graduate level. So is all that time and study being wasted? It is well known that success in life is not necessarily linked to success in school. Albert Einstein failed early exams and believed that his wife had the better intellect of the two. Winston Churchill, great leader and winner of the Nobel prize for literature, had a mediocre school life. Shakespeare, another great Englishman attended his local school in Stratford, but as far as we know had no further or higher education. He probably started school at the age of 7 or 8 and left at about 15. So we see that society has benefited from great intellects, but these were not necessarily the result of great teaching. This paper makes a conclusion that education makes to the state. First of all you would have to agree on what constitutes education. Would you include only that which takes place in formal situations? What would you measure and what against? Literacy rates against gross natural product? Would you compare a countries rating according to the United Nations against a country’s education budget?
Monday, February 3, 2020
Ethical and Unethical Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethical and Unethical Decision Making - Essay Example The given case includes an ethical dilemma which will be thoroughly analyzed using the relevant theories of ethics. It will mainly involve the employee’s duty to the employer. Stakeholders in this case study include Zach Micheals who is a graphic designer; Altiora University where Zach studied; XJ7 Studio where Zach did his internship and worked on a major project; Tangent where Zach works after completing the degree and The Charleston Technical University, for which Zach creates a web portal using his previous work. In the given case, the ethical dilemma arises when Zach Micheals is asked by his boss to work on a new project using the files of his earlier work for Altiora University. The files were unlawfully stored by Zach when he was working on this project, but his intentions were only to keep backups for safe-keeping. Moving the project files outside the company was unlawful as it was against one clause of the signed agreement. After passing out from the Altiora University, he receives a job in Tangent Studio, a rival of XJ7 Studio, where Zach completed his internship. Zach uses his previous work and modifies it for Charleston University web portal. In other words, he unethically and unlawfully uses the intellectual property of someone else without taking any permission from the real owner. Zach may not be considered ethically wrong when he created backups of the project since his intentions were good, but later, when he uses this for Charleston University web portal, it was not only unethic al and an unlawful act. This is called â€Å"computer theft†. According to Manuel Valasquez, â€Å"to convert company resources to the employee’s own use are forms of theft because to do either is to take or use property that belongs to another (the employer) without the consent of its rightful owner†(Velasquez, 2006).
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Two Main Theories Of Nationalism Politics Essay
The Two Main Theories Of Nationalism Politics Essay During this assignment I will discuss the two main theories of nationalism and how it came about. The two main theories I will discuss are primordial ad constructivism. The fundamental definitions of nationalism will be primarily defined independently; afterwards nationalism will be justified as not being exclusive to any one of these theories but instead that they are linked together due to the complexity of politics and social transformation. Primordial nationalism is the theory that nations have a national identity embedded, nations are rooted in a common cultural heritage and language [1] where nationalism is not an ideology and that it is natural and instinctive. The constructivists theory states that national identity is forged in response to social and historical circumstances where it has an ideological basis for it to exist this also extends to the idea of nationalism used through the political dimensions and state power to achieve political objectives which is a polit ical ideological system. [2] Ideology In order to discuss the difficulties of defining nationalism it is essential we understand what ideology is. Ideology is an inherently subjective collection of ideas, or concepts, about how power should be, or is, ordered within society [3] . This ideology is to be understood by great masses of people, and it is about how to use power within a society. Primordial Nationalism: Primordial nationalism focuses on historic and inherent social practices as the source of the roots of its nation. The most fundamental factors of primordial nationalism are: That people are inherently group orientated and nations are a product of this. National identity is forged by common descent, shared language and a sense of territorial belonging. Nations are historical entities Nationalism is characterised by deep emotional attachments that resemble kinship ties. individuals identify with families, villages, regions, age, sex groups, classes, religions, ethnic and national communities [4] Such views are shared with philosophers such as Johann Herder who argues that each nation has a volksgeist which is the spirit of the people which expresses itself through song, myths and legends. [5] Anthony Smith, The Ethnic sources of Nationalism Anthony Smith advances the studies of primordial nationalism emphasising the continuity with modern nations and pre modern ethnic communities which he calls Ethnies [6] . He views pre modern ethnic communities as a template for modern states. For a nation to be present he believes that the most fundamental factors in achieving nationalism are namesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦myth of a common ancestryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦importance of historical memoriesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦shared cultureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦attachment to a specific territory [and]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ finally an element of solidarity [7] . From Anthony smith beliefs, there are three basic processes of ethno national transformation which is the transition from Ethnies to an ethnic nation. Ethno-nationalism is the ideology of uniting an ethno-cultural group with territory by way of genealogy [8] . The first process is called Vernacular Mobilization which involves the rediscovery of indigenous traditions, customs, symbols, memories and language by ethnic intellectuals. E.g. Quebecois nationalist movement. The second process is known as Cultural Politicization, in which the communitys cultural heritage is treated as a political resource, where what use to be regarded as traditions now become weapons in a cultural war waged both against outsiders and against the guardians of tradition e.g. Indian nationalism. The third process is known as ethnic purification which is a consequence of the other two processes. It begins with a return to the popular vernacular which is used specifically for political purposes and incorporates a belief in the sanctity of that culture. To preserve the culture it must be kept away from undesirable influences [9] . A good example of primordial nationalism is the Rwandan genocide in 1994 where in and around 800 people were murdered. It is argued that it was due to ethnicity and rivals between ethnic groups. The Hutu which were an ethnic group in Rwanda felt they needed to kill their ethnic neighbours the Tutsi so they could gain establishment and distinction of others ethnic identities. Constructivist theory: The constructivist theory states that national identity is forged in response to social and historical circumstances in which nationalism is a method of finding replacements for the loss of some cultural concepts. Constructivism links the origins of nationalism to the process of modernization. Constructivism can be related to three very important themes which are: The emergence of industrial economies which created new social tensions and broke traditional social bonds which begged the need for a national identity for the people. States play an important role in creating a sense of national identity which constructs a nation. The spread of mass education and mass literacy was a massive contribution towards national identity. [10] Ernst Gellner, Nations and Nationalism Ernst Gellner a philosopher stated that emerging industrial societies promoted social mobility and competition which inevitably required a new source of cultural cohesion which was to be provided by nationalism. Nationalism invented the nation not the other way around, Having a nation is not an inherent attribute of humanity but it has now come to appear as such [11] . He illustrates and discusses a nation in which for two men to be in the same nation requires two things: Common culture, as in a mutual understanding of each others meanings Recognition of mutual rights and duties to each other and virtue of shared membership in it. Benidict Anderson, Imagined Communities Benidict Anderson, an Irish academic, views nations as an imagined community [12] where individuals only meet a fraction of those with whom they share a national identity with. His theory of imagined communities suggests that nationalism is constructed through common literacy, common language, education, mass media and political socialization and that a nation as a community can only be imagined due to the sheer number of people who never see each other and the loss off supranational religions and political identities. It is imagined because the members of even the smallest nation will never know most of their fellow members, meet them, or even hear of them, yet in the minds of each lives the image of their the minds of each lives the image of their communion. [13] Constructivism through political views In re-constructing the political order of a society it is essential to have new ideologies, this has led to modern nations being built on philosophical grounds. A good example of this would be the USA which was founded on the principals of liberalism [14] . Once this ideological basis has being formed a historical identity is creation for the nation. Through this new discovery of the past cultural bonds and an essence of relationship between people is formed. Constructivism portrays nationalism quite clearly as an ideology. An extension to the constructivism theory is the political view of nationalism which states that nationalism has its objective of gaining and using state power. This form of nationalism relates to political movements already existing in states where they use the concept of the nation where the interests of the nation are supposed to take priority over all other interests where the nation has full sovereignty. Realistically its a response to the distinction between state and society, nationalism eliminates the distinction between cultural and political life where it soon becomes a dictatorship. Political Nationalism utilizes the perceived culture of society for the purpose of gaining political power. [15] Eric Hobsbawm, The invention of Tradition Marxists such as Eric Hobsbawm tend to view nationalism as a device through which the ruling class counters the threat of social revolution by ensuring that national loyalty is stronger than class solidarity thereby binding the working class to the existing power structure. Hobsbawm beliefs are that nations and nationalism is a product of modernism and have been created as a means to political and economic ends [16] . He discusses the inventions of tradition which are products of social creation which are engineered to serve the interests of the elites. After the invention those traditions establish continuity and use history as a legitimate action and cement a groups cohesion [17] . When a state is under pressure they would target class, church and the nation where they transferred people into citizens of a particular state, peasants into Frenchmen [18] . He believes that nationalism does not make states visa versa that states make nations. Hobsbawm argues that, at the time of the French revolution In 1789 only have of the people spoke some French and between 12%-13% spoke it fairly [19] . Nationalism is created at the top. True nationalist feelings will only occur if the needs of the average person can be achieved from it. [20] A good example of this would be Bismarckian unification with Germany in 1871. The inventions of traditions manifested with the concepts of cultural, political and military supremacy in which it could claim the right to be united as a single greater German state. This unification was the only historical experience which the citizens had in common. The Franco-German war was central as Germany had a national tradition which they clearly wanted to emphasise, they emphasised it through ceremonials and rituals invented. One gymnasium record there were no less than 10 ceremonies between august 1895 and march 1896 recalling the 25th anniversary of the Franco-Prussian war. Posen Barry Nationalism, the Mass Army, and Military Power Posen another philosopher argues that nationalism is caused due to preparation of war and mass mobilization warfare. Nationalism is purveyed by states for the express purpose of improving their military capabilities [21] . Nationalism helps generate the individual commitment to make for military combat. The anarchical condition of international relations revolves around his idea of nationalism and why it is constructed. There are two aspects to his idea of nationalism which constitute literacy and ideology which are subject to state action, states institute compulsory education and engage in propaganda because military and political leaders believe that such ideas enhance the commitment of the groups to the purpose of the war to increase their willingness to sacrifice their lives [22] . He discusses the war between Prussia and France emphasising how large masses when used, needed nationalism where people were bred not trained. Political propaganda was used through journals and pamphlets which were often read aloud. There was an increased emphasis in literacy within the army as criterion for promotion. In 1794 it was made compulsory for commissioned and non- commissioned officers to read and write. John Lynn stated that these efforts were highly successful. Not only did they contribute to the well- known elan of these French troops, but they encouraged a rise in self- and group-imposed standards of performance and sacrifice. These standards facilitated the rapid training of these French troops, which he concludes was critical to their developing combat power. Without strong normative compliance, large scale reliance on open-order combat would have been out of the question. Conclusion Through my studies of nationalism and its main theoretical approaches I have come to the understanding and conclusion that nationalism is neither exclusively constructed or primordial, that it is a combination of these two theoretical approaches which forms the concept of nationalism. I believe that nationalism is founded primarily naturally and that the need to build a fundamental power structure influences the ignition of constructivism. Primordial nationalism acts a building block towards constructivism, without either of these two theoretical approaches nationalism would not exist.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Leadership qualities of Odysseus throughout the book Essay
Throughout the Odyssey, the lead character, Odysseus, is presented as the ideal Greek leader. He demonstrates this through the treatment of his men and how he deals with problems that are presented to him. Because the Odyssey was first a spoken myth, it took on the shape of the society in which it was told. Including that society’s moral and ethical values, as well as its desires in the traits of a leader. A leader must first be defined, then set apart from other potential leaders, then the leader must be tested through his actions, only then can a definite leader be defined. First, one must define the ideal Greek leader. An ideal Greek leader commands the respect of those being led, but also gives respect. He must be intelligent and cunning, and able to think logically with the intentions of keeping the well being of those under him. Reverence to the gods is mandatory, as they are viewed as the supreme leaders. An ideal leader must have an ability to lead a military victoriously, but also know when military action is not necessary. There are many other traits that the ideal Greek leader must possess, but none are as important as those that have been listed. Another way of proving Odysseus as the ideal leader is by contrasting him with other leaders. Two other characters in the book that could be considered character foils are Antinoos and Alkinoos, two very different leaders. Alkinoos, King of the Phaeacians, is presented as leader who is open to outsiders, another trait that is revered in ancient Greek culture. When he provides the hospitality to Odysseus, he shows his welcoming manner by not only allowing Odysseus to stay as his guest, but also taking him back to Ithaca. â€Å"When you came here to my strong home, Odysseus, under my tall roof, headwinds were left behind you. Clear sailing shall you have now, homeward now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (XIII, 4-7) Alkinoos can be considered a foil that shows what Homer viewed as a good leader. Antinoos, on the other hand, was almost the opposite. The suitor spent his time unsuccessfully enticing Penelope, one of many things that Homer could have considered to be a bad trait, especially when possess ed by a leader, which is something that Antinoos could be considered in his relationship with the other suitors. He was also the suitor who came up with the scheme to kill Telemachus. Furthermore, Antinoos being the first to die when Odysseus returns, could be presented as Homer’s punishment of the iniquitous suitor of the hero’s wife. These two characters can be considered the two extremes in Homer’s view of a leader. Odysseus’s actions throughout the book demonstrate the traits that make him a good leader. Through his decisions in these specific events, he proves that he is a good, but not perfect, leader. First, his decision to send men to scout out Kirke’s house was one of pleasure, not conquest. Odysseus did not need to send his men probing the unfamiliar island, but still felt it necessary. This decision is one that had to be made, but given past experiences, the reader would expect Odysseus to choose otherwise, especially when his men felt hesitant. â€Å"They were all silent, but their hearts contracted, remembering Antiphates the Laistrygon and that prodigious cannibal, the Kyklopes†¦ But seeing our time for action lost in weeping, I mustered those Akhaians under arms, counting them off in two platoons, myself and my godlike Eurylokhos commanding.†(X, 217-224) It wasn’t until after the first party fell prey to Kirke’s elixir that Odysseus shows his true leadership. With the aid of the gods, he is able to free his men from living as swine. Although he stays long after he has freed his men, nearly a year, he felt the obligation towards his men by undoing Kirke’s acts and freed them from her hold. Another instance when Odysseus demonstrates his leadership ability is when he is faced with the escape from Polyphemus’s cave. His quick thinking and strategic approach gave him victory over the giant, two traits Homer emphasizes in Odysseus. Odysseus is able to lead his men to blind the Kyklops, but shows how no mortal man can be perfect, no matter how heroic, by shouting back at Polyphemus and telling him who had truly blinded him. Finally, Odysseus’s similarity to some of the known leaders of ancient Greece can be used to express how Odysseus was presented as the ideal Greek leader. The first of whom being the democratic leader of Athens, Pericles, and second being Alexander the Great. Pericles was much like Odysseus in a sense of his ability to manipulate and influence those under him, a necessary skill in any democratic society. He was able to influence the other elected officials into believing what he wanted, and stemmed his success from that ability. Although not an especially admirable trait, the ability to influence men into what is needed to be done in the eyes of the leader is most certainly necessary, especially when it involves military authority. Alexander the Great’s decisiveness is paralleled only by Odysseus, which is another trait that all strong leaders must possess. Another element to a leader that is often present is that of arrogance, as Alexander the Great believed himself to be half immortal, and held himself in comparison with Hercules. Alexander was even known to sleep with copies of Homer’s books under his pillow, and drew heavy influence from Homer’s characters, including Odysseus. Odysseus is considered to be one of the greatest mythological heroic leaders. Not only is he presented as the model for the ideal Greek leader, but has influenced many other leaders throughout history, including Alexander the Great. Odysseus was a model for ancient Greek leaders, and still influences our views of leadership today, although we may not even notice it.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Definitions of Free Essay Samples Health
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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
International Business Strategy Free Essay Example, 1500 words
The resource-based view state that the differences between firms resources determine the strategies the firm employs (Peng, 2013). The resources at the firms disposal, if correctly harnessed, can create a competitive advantage for the firm. The value, rarity, imitability, and organization (VRIO) model is usually used to explain the resource-based view of a firm to enable it to create and maintain a competitive edge over its competitors (Peng, 2013). SolarWorld USA s major resource advantage is that it is fully vertically integrated (Peng, 2013). This means that it carries out all the activities in its chain of production all by itself. For example, it manufactures the silicon used to make the photovoltaic solar panels. With the raw materials, it manufactures the solar panels, sells them and even provides installation services to the customers (Solarworld-usa. com, 2014). SolarWorld USA is, thus, able to create a profitable and resilient value chain. The fully integrated solutions pr ovided by SolarWorld USA enhance the value of its products. Its dual-purpose carport provides multiple opportunities for use of solar panels. SolarWorld USA utilizes rarity by producing polysilicon (Peng, 2013). We will write a custom essay sample on International Business Strategy or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Creating a strong product segment makes it harder for competitors to replicate the product. If the product takes more time and capital to produce, it becomes rare. Since the Chinese firms receive as many incentives from their government as the US-based firms from the US government, the advantage of imitability is not enjoyed because of their financial strength match one another (Marconi, 2000). The Chinese government has been at the forefront of providing a suitable environment for the flourishing of the solar energy industry in China (Oremus, 2014). These products are then sold at extremely competitive prices in the US posing a great challenge to SolarWorld USA. Lastly, SolarWorld utilizes its organizational value by having an experienced management team at the helm. This management team has been managing its operations for decades and is conversant with the various business cycles in the industry.
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